Code Of Ethics

Our Metal Detecting Code of Ethics

The following is a Code of Ethics that we follow to preserve our exciting hobby of metal detecting. We sincerely encourage you to do the same:

  • I will keep informed on and obey all laws, regulations and rules governing access to Government, County and public land.
  • I will aid law enforcement officials wherever possible.
  • I will cause no wilful damage to property of any kind, including fences, signs and buildings.
  • I will always fill the holes I dig.
  • I will not destroy property, buildings or the remains of deserted structures.
  • I will not leave litter or other discarded rubbish items, lying around.
  • I will carry all rubbish and dug targets with me when I leave each search area.
  • I will observe the Golden Rule of using good outdoor manners and conduct myself at all times ins a manner which will add to the stature and public image of all people engaged in the field of metal detection.


When searching for treasure with your metal detecting equipment, please observe these precautions:

  • Never trespass or hunt on private property without permission.
  • Avoid areas where pipelines or electric cables may be buried.
  • National and public parks / monuments, etc. are absolutely off limits.
  • Deep seeking metal detectors can detect concealed pipes, wiring and other potentially dangerous material. When those items are located, the proper authorities should be notified.
  • Do not hunt in a military zone where bombs or other explosives may be buried.
  • Do not disturb any pipeline, particularly if it could carrying flammable gas or liquid.
  • Use reasonable caution in digging towards any target, particularly in areas that you are uncertain of the ground conditions.
  • If you are unsure, if you can use your metal detector in any area, then seek permission from the proper authorities.

P.S. Please leave a comment below, if you have any other metal detecting ethics information, thanks

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